Contact i4E for the management of your office waste, face every expected fulfillment with our support, you will save time and you will be sure of the result.
Who is this service for?
To all those who produce office waste specifically:
- print waste CER 080318
- small electronic parts (printers, tablets, mobile phones, monitors, hard disks, keyboards, headphones and more …) CER 160214 – 160216 – 160213 *
- batteries and cells CER 160605 –
- archives (document folders) paper documents CER 200101
- office furniture CER 200307 – 170904
- large WEEE CER 160214
- other
How does it work?
- Delivery of special containers for separate collection.
- Collection by reservation, on call. The collection is carried out by authorized transporters and delivered to authorized treatment and / or disposal plants. Issue of the FIR (waste identification form) essential to certify the correct management of the waste.
What documents are involved?
FIR (Waste Identification Form)
The FIR accompanies the waste in transport from the manufacturer to the plant and certifies the disposal / recovery of the waste. Upon collection, a first copy of the FIR is issued, followed by the fourth copy with confirmation of the weight of the waste and acceptance by the plant, is sent to the manufacturer’s certified e-mail, which must keep it for 5 years.
Endorsed register on which the movements of the waste are noted, data that will be used for the compilation of the MUD.
The Single Environmental Declaration Model (MUD) is a communication that organizations and companies must submit annually, in which to indicate the quantity and type of waste they produced and / or managed during the previous year.